Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Last week I was on Spring Break, something that could not have come at a better time. My last day of school before break, I had a complete meltdown (a story for another day). I was so overwhelmed and just flat out done with school that I cracked. Lucky for me, a week devoted to doing absolutely nothing with, well, no one, was ahead of me. 

At first, I loved it; up until that night. I realized that a good chunk of my friends would not be in town for all of break and I'd be spending a lot of time to myself. Something I try and steer clear of because I do not handle boredom well. At all. 

It wasn't until Monday that I realized I didn't have to stay coped up in my house all week. 
"Hey, Ruth. You know you can drive somewhere if you'd like?"
Oh. That's right, mom. I can do that! But where would I go alone? Exactly.
She then went on naming loads of places to prove me wrong. Thanks, mom.
I reluctantly left my house, to drive to a local Barnes & Noble. I honestly thought I looked so weird, walking around by myself while everyone and their mother had a companion or two. (I secretly called myself the Lone Ranger..)

It wasn't until I found myself reading an article about increasing productivity in a business magazine (which was very interesting) that I realized how much I enjoyed myself. I discovered that I did not need to be with someone in order to have a good time (finally).

Since I took a liking to the Lone Ranger so much, I spent everyday doing something different by myself; including going for lunch! I don't know if I'll ever be able to go out to a movie solo, however..

In short, I feel like I finally grew up this past week. Being able to go out and spend time with myself was something I never really thought I'd get used to, as weird as that may be. I feel I gained independence from this spring break, which I think triumphs that trip my friend took to Virginia (maybe).

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