Tuesday, May 14, 2013

School Reading

We're all assigned books to read in our English classes (and if not, then never mind). As a child, I hated it. I dreaded reading a book assigned by the school because they were never the type of books I liked to read and most of them ended sadly.

It was not until my sophomore year of high school that I fell in love with all the books supplied by my teachers (with the exception of The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin. Never has a book stressed me out so much). It started off with The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. I don't think I've ever read a book that I loved as much as that one. Being inside the mind of Holden Caulfield was nothing short from incredible. ("Where did the ducks go?")

The next book was the Great Gatsby. I really don't have anything but good to speak of this book. It truly is a classic and F. Scott Fitzgerald is an absolute genius. (Fun fact: It wasn't until after he finished the book that he decided to change the point of view. Could you image how long that'd take!?) I hope everyone who is seeing the movie has already read the book or plans on doing so soon because it is a must. 

Currently, in my Women's Literature class, we are reading The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. I'm only on chapter three but I can already tell that this book will stick. Ester (the protagonist) is brilliant and complex and I can't wait to finish the book and rave about how much I enjoyed it.

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